Zahra Soltanian (Wyld Yasmin) Nude Art
Zahra Soltanian (Wyld Yasmin) Fitness Model
Zahra Soltanian (Wyld Yasmin) in Lingerie Gallery 3
Zahra Soltanian (Wyld Yasmin) Full Body Workout Tip 1
Zahra Soltanian (Wyld Yasmin) in Lingerie Gallery 2
Zahra Soltanian (Selfie in Western Springs Park)
Zahra Soltanian (Wyld Yasmin) Toned Abs
Cherished Moments
When the heart cannot hear,
What good are the ears?
When the heart cannot see,
what good are the eyes?
When the heart cannot speak,
what good is the tongue?
When the heart cannot touch,
what good are the limbs?
When the heart cannot feel,
what good is the memory?
By: Zahra Soltanian
Changing The Way We Look at Exercise
If a person wants to live a healthy life they need to be active and make exercise an integral part of their life. The article below gives some suggestions on how to balance life but still have time to exercise: